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Associate of Science in Registered Nursing (ASN)

Associate of Science in Nursing

If you're interested in a profession where you can Major in Making a Difference, then nursing may be right for you. Nursing is a challenging and rewarding career on the front-line of patient care.

The Nursing program combines the art and science of nursing to provide a holistic approach to patient care. Registered nurses utilize their knowledge and compassion in managing the care of patients in a variety of healthcare settings. Graduates of the nursing program are eligible to make application for licensure to become a Registered Nurse (RN) by taking the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).

The nursing program at St. Luke's College starts each Fall Semester (August) and offers a program of excellence providing graduates with the skills and knowledge to function as beginning nurse generalists.

ASN Curriculum

Nursing Program Curriculum

Semester I (Fall)

CoursesCredit Hours
NUR100 Introduction to Nursing1
NUR102 Nursing Skills2
NUR103 Fundamentals of Nursing7
BIO201 Anatomy & Physiology I4
Total Credit Hours for Semester I14

Semester II (Spring)

CoursesCredit Hours
NUR211 Medical Surgical Nursing I5
NUR213 Medical Surgical Nursing II5
BIO202 Anatomy & Physiology II4
Total Credit Hours for Semester II14

Semester III (Fall)

CoursesCredit Hours
NUR221 Medical Surgical Nursing III5
NUR223 Medical Surgical Nursing IV5
BIO218 Microbiology4
Total Credit Hours for Semester III14

Semester IV (Spring)

CoursesCredit Hours
NUR231 Role Transition1
NUR233 Advanced Nursing9
NUR241 Nursing Practicum2
Total Credit Hours for Semester IV12

Required General Education Courses (Fall/Spring/Summer)

CoursesCredit Hours
ENG108 English Composition3
PSY106 General Psychology3
PSY120 Developmental Psychology3
SOC104 Sociology3

NUT212 Nutrition

PHI220 Ethics



Associate Degree in Nursing Program Credits - 72

*Note: Anatomy & Physiology I is a pre-requisite course for Spring starts in the Associate Degree Nursing program.

ASN Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements - Associate Degree in Nursing Program

  • High School Graduate (cumulative GPA of 2.50) or HiSET/GED
  • ACT examination results - 19 composite score or
  • Completion of transferrable college courses with a cumulative GPA of 2.30
ASN Program Effectiveness Data

Review the ASN Effectiveness Data for more information on NCLEX-RN Pass Rates, Job Placement and Graduation Rates.

ASN Mission, Philosophy, Goals, Graduate Outcomes


ASN Program Accreditation


The Associate of Science in Nursing program at St. Luke's College, located in Sioux City, Iowa is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

Iowa Board of Nursing
Department of Inspections, Appeals & Licensing
6200 Park Avenue, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50321
(515) 281-3255

Note: The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate of Science in Nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.  View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at acenursing.org

Components of nursing licensure include verification of graduation from an approved prelicensure nursing education program.

State Certification examination eligibility requirements can be found at NCSBN.

Registered Nurse Licensing

Qualifications for Licensure in Iowa:

  1. Graduation from a board-approved RN or LPN nursing program. (RN Program applicants or RN graduates who did NOT complete or graduate from an LPN Program are NOT eligible to take the LPN Examination.)
  2. Prior to being licensed, approval by the board of those with a past felony conviction or a record of prior disciplinary action, regardless of jurisdiction.
  3. Passing NCLEX examination as prescribed by the board.

Exam applications are valid for the dates indicated on the Authorization to Test (90 days). If your Authorization to Test expires you will be required to re-submit both applications and fees.

Exam applications are completed online.

The following items are required before authorization to test is issued:

  • Iowa Application for Exam - Fee $93 Payable to the Iowa Board of Nursing - (Personal Check, Money Order or Cashier's Check is acceptable.)
  • Two Completed Fingerprint Cards and Signed Waiver Form - Fee $50 (All applications will be returned if received without the Fingerprint Cards).
  • Exam and Fingerprint Card fees may be combined for a Total of $143.
  • Official Transcripts from the School of Nursing denoting date of graduation and degree conferred.
  • NCLEX Registration including Fee of $200 submitted to NCLEX Operations (Payable to NCSBN-no personal checks accepted).


Information regarding criminal conviction:

  1. Send a copy of the Court records; i.e. trial information, judgment entry and sentencing order with the application by exam.
  2. A written assessment of your life before, at the time of, and after the conviction.
  3. Parole/Probation Officer's assessment if currently under active supervision or a letter from your parole/probation officer stating that you completed the requirements of your probation.
  4. Employment history (please include in your written assessment).
  5. Enclose copies of all substance abuse evaluations with treatment discharge summary and aftercare recommendations.
  6. Letters of recommendation may also be included.

Continuing Education: The Basic Requirements

Continuing education is mandated by Iowa law as a prerequisite to renewal of an Iowa nursing license. The requirements are as follows:

  • For renewal of a three-year license, the requirement is 36 contact hours or 3.6 CEUs.
  • For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours or 2.4 CEUs. This applies to the first renewal after any one of the following:

Initial Iowa licensure by examination
Initial Iowa licensure by endorsement from another state
Reactivation from an inactive status

A license issued for less than three years is granted for two years, plus the number of months to the birth month. Thereafter, the license must be renewed every three years.

  • For reactivation from an inactive status, the requirement is 12 contact hours that are not more than 12 months old at the time the credit is submitted for reactivation.

Special Testing Circumstances:

Pursuant to 655 Iowa Administrative Code, Nursing Board, individuals with disabilities may request special testing accommodations. Inquiries should be directed to the Iowa Board of Nursing as early as possible, preferably prior to graduation to expedite the approval process. You may phone (515) 281-5535 or e-mail lynn.linder@iowa.gov for additional information.