About the Student Success Center

The Faculty and Staff of St. Luke's College are dedicated to helping students succeed. It is the goal of the College to promote academic achievement by providing assistance with critical tools in time management, study skills, writing, note-taking, and other areas related to student success. These tools can be beneficial for students in the College's rigorous, medically-focused curriculum. 

The Student Success Center staff are dedicated advocates for students and their learning experience. If students need academic assistance or guidance-or simply want encouragement-they should drop into the center. When students visit, they can expect a warm and welcoming environment, professional assistance, and positive academic support. Our team has a passion for helping students succeed! 

The Student Success Center is on the 2nd floor of the college. To learn more, contact the Student Success Center at (712) 279-3758.

The Student Success Center has a Computer Center, Library, Bookstore and services to help students succeed in the classroom including:

Academic Coaching
Accessibility Services
APA Writing Resources
Career Services
Learning Style Assessments
Licensure Preparation Tools
Personal and Professional Development
Research Assistance
Stress Management Resources
Tutoring - Tutoring Request
Writing Assistance